Tenant horror stories are everywhere. That’s why we take the extra time to vet our tenants thoroughly. This helps avoid lengthy insurance claims and debt collection processes. We pride ourselves on building great relationships with our tenants so that we can work together and have the best outcome and experience for everyone involved.
We take great pride in keeping you informed on the condition of your property. You will find that all inspections are photographed and forwarded to you within our inspection report with detailed commentary. If you are wondering how your property is going, we aren’t doing our job well enough.
When we conduct our inspections, we aren't just looking for cleanliness or tenant damage, we are looking to report on building condition, water damage and anything else that we can foresee could be a potential issue or de-value your property in the future. Our clients investment properties are usually amongst their biggest assets and we take our inspection, follow up and reporting seriously.
There will be times where your property needs repairs and maintenance. Things like leaking taps, and stove elements are your responsibility as an owner. Of course tenants are required to care of your property and not cause excessive wear and tear. Maintenance is something we take very seriously as poor management can lead to additional costs and it can all get ugly, quickly. We have a strong network of qualified trades able to complete even the smallest task to large scale renovations.
Our landlord portal gives you access to check up on your property including monthly statements, income, arrears and maintenance. You can even chat to us through here!
This stuff can seem pretty boring and certainly sounds daunting. Smoke alarms are legally required to be checked every year (as a minimum) but also at lease renewals and before a new tenant moves in. Having this kept up to date means your insurance isn’t being paid for nothing.
WATER COMPLIANCE… This is something not all agents will tell you, but if you pay for your property to become water compliant, you are able to on-charge water usage to your tenants. This can save you up to $1,000 per property, per year. We take care of all of this for from arranging compliance to on-charging and collecting the tenants share of the bill.
We know our markets well, and to make the most of your investment and ensure you are getting the best yield possible, we review your rent at every lease renewal to ensure it is in line with market rates when compared to similar properties in the area.
If an increase is recommended, we will let you know.
Being in south-east Queensland it's likely that your investment will cop a bad storm or two over it’s life. Our Property managers have experience in dealing with insurance claims and understand how the policies work. We can manage your claims for you, meaning you can get on with you life knowing that the repairs will get done and it is all taken care of, instead of spending hours on the phone back and forwards with your insurer.